Calaxy Joins Hedera WalletConnect Team

Calaxy Joins Hedera WalletConnect Team

Calaxy Joins Hedera WalletConnect Team

Calaxy is proud to be teaming up with fellow Hedera wallet providers HashPack App, Kabila App, Dropp, Blade Wallet, and Wallawallet to champion a unified WalletConnect solution for integrating wallets on Hedera.

By leveraging the official WalletConnect library/SDK tailored for the Hedera ecosystem, users will be able to seamlessly connect their wallets to hundreds of dApps, without the need for a separate integration code.

After years of building, we have now progressed to the “Community Beta” stage of the product implementation, a huge win for the team, and all of our combined wallet users. We invite Calaxy’s social wallet users to test the new WalletConnect solution for themselves, as we continue refining both the implementation and specifications of the toolkit. As always, we welcome all feedback and recommendations. Additionally, our joint team of wallet providers is working hard behind the scenes to shape the official WalletConnect library, a comprehensive and open-source single point of truth to help developers get set up. More to come on this!

This initiative is a huge win for Wallet UX; not only will it strengthen Calaxy’s efforts to make the creative personal economy more accessible to non-crypto-native users, but it will also aid our diligent team of wallet providers in our joint vision to enable effortless cross-chain access and interoperability. 

For those who are actively involved in the Hedera ecosystem and eager to pitch in to this initiative, we would love to hear from you. You can express your interest and expertise through this form:

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Calaxy Joins Hedera WalletConnect Team

Calaxy Joins Hedera WalletConnect Team
October 31, 2023

Calaxy is proud to be teaming up with fellow Hedera wallet providers HashPack App, Kabila App, Dropp, Blade Wallet, and Wallawallet to champion a unified WalletConnect solution for integrating wallets on Hedera.

By leveraging the official WalletConnect library/SDK tailored for the Hedera ecosystem, users will be able to seamlessly connect their wallets to hundreds of dApps, without the need for a separate integration code.

After years of building, we have now progressed to the “Community Beta” stage of the product implementation, a huge win for the team, and all of our combined wallet users. We invite Calaxy’s social wallet users to test the new WalletConnect solution for themselves, as we continue refining both the implementation and specifications of the toolkit. As always, we welcome all feedback and recommendations. Additionally, our joint team of wallet providers is working hard behind the scenes to shape the official WalletConnect library, a comprehensive and open-source single point of truth to help developers get set up. More to come on this!

This initiative is a huge win for Wallet UX; not only will it strengthen Calaxy’s efforts to make the creative personal economy more accessible to non-crypto-native users, but it will also aid our diligent team of wallet providers in our joint vision to enable effortless cross-chain access and interoperability. 

For those who are actively involved in the Hedera ecosystem and eager to pitch in to this initiative, we would love to hear from you. You can express your interest and expertise through this form:

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